No. 109416 - Published 10 Jun 2012
Review of Cherry of Invasian Asian Escorts London, London
Details of Visit
Author: | Alan256 |
Location 2: | Bayswater W2 |
Type of Visit: | Incall |
Date and Time of Visit: | Thu 7 Jun 2012 7.30 pm |
Duration of Visit: | 2 hours |
Amount Paid: | 280 |
Recommended: | Yes |
Details of Service Provider
Profile Name: | Invasian Asian Escorts London - click to view profile in a new window |
Website: | |
Phone: | 07920156455 |
The Premises
A clean flat in a safe area and easily found.
The Lady
An athletic looking young lady. Red Hair and 36E bosom.
The Story
7thJune I visited Cherry. She was dressed just how I requested ? a schoolgirl. Just like her pictures except that her blouse must have shrunk, it barely covered her handsome tits and she didn?t have any panties on ? the naughty girl. She was playing porn video on her TV ?quite appropriate I guess. I had a filthy grope which she seemed very excited about and she responded with an enthusiastic DFK. She made me hard immediately and I took my clothes off just as quickly. She offered me a ?bong? which I declined but, being a gentleman, I said please go ahead if you want to. She took a long drag on it saying it made her happy. She did seem very giggly and bouncy ? fitted the school girl fantasy at that time. She excused herself for a piss which I was sort of invited to watch. She washed herself and that being done I took her to her very good sized bed. I kissed her all over her face and body ? lovely ripe nipples and sweet ?Puddy? as she called her fanny and her ?Boody? (bum) was tasty and tight ? I fingered it at the same time as massaging her fanny.
Immediately Cherry dropped her mouth to my cock and sucked it enthusiastically and expertly to the very hilt and stuck a vibrating prostate massager up my arse. I was already in heaven as she ran off and brought over a drawer full of all manner of vibrating toys. We selected various butt plugs, dildos and a double ender. She pushed my heels over my head, oiled me up even more and stuffed me good and proper. We were surrounded by full size mirrors - very exciting. After a short furious BBBJ with my arse still vibrating she hopped over me and rode me cowboy in her fanny. Oh how she wobbled and wiggled! Cherry asked me where I wanted my spunk, I replied on and dribbling out of her mouth. She went and cleaned herself up then proceeded to (at my request) tit wank, foot wank and face fuck me to a very satisfying and messy orgasm.
She had another ?bong? and gave me a calm, relaxing body massage ? particularly stretching and massaging my thighs, which was very helpful and relaxing. After some interesting chat about her home country and family we moved onto part two. I put her onto her face and fucked her fanny doggie style while holding her hips tight. With help from Cherry I managed to get my cock into her tight little arse hole and enjoying what I saw in the mirrors I was excited to slowly fuck her arse. We had another pause while Cherry showed me a TV programme on her laptop about ghosts and apparitions ? mildly interesting if a little distracting then she had a little mad spell on the bed. I think this was an effect of the ?bongs? and she said she was tired?.anyway she seemed to recover, squatted over me on her toes and pushed my cock into her arse hole. This she followed by rotating her bum while fucking me hard ? at one point I feared she might break my cock ? it was so tight! Finally Cherry sucked and wanked me before I finished and had a nice hot shower. She bade me a friendly farewell with a nice lot of hugging and kissing. By her own suggestion she prefers one hour bookings, So if I returned it would be for one hour only.
Immediately Cherry dropped her mouth to my cock and sucked it enthusiastically and expertly to the very hilt and stuck a vibrating prostate massager up my arse. I was already in heaven as she ran off and brought over a drawer full of all manner of vibrating toys. We selected various butt plugs, dildos and a double ender. She pushed my heels over my head, oiled me up even more and stuffed me good and proper. We were surrounded by full size mirrors - very exciting. After a short furious BBBJ with my arse still vibrating she hopped over me and rode me cowboy in her fanny. Oh how she wobbled and wiggled! Cherry asked me where I wanted my spunk, I replied on and dribbling out of her mouth. She went and cleaned herself up then proceeded to (at my request) tit wank, foot wank and face fuck me to a very satisfying and messy orgasm.
She had another ?bong? and gave me a calm, relaxing body massage ? particularly stretching and massaging my thighs, which was very helpful and relaxing. After some interesting chat about her home country and family we moved onto part two. I put her onto her face and fucked her fanny doggie style while holding her hips tight. With help from Cherry I managed to get my cock into her tight little arse hole and enjoying what I saw in the mirrors I was excited to slowly fuck her arse. We had another pause while Cherry showed me a TV programme on her laptop about ghosts and apparitions ? mildly interesting if a little distracting then she had a little mad spell on the bed. I think this was an effect of the ?bongs? and she said she was tired?.anyway she seemed to recover, squatted over me on her toes and pushed my cock into her arse hole. This she followed by rotating her bum while fucking me hard ? at one point I feared she might break my cock ? it was so tight! Finally Cherry sucked and wanked me before I finished and had a nice hot shower. She bade me a friendly farewell with a nice lot of hugging and kissing. By her own suggestion she prefers one hour bookings, So if I returned it would be for one hour only.
This Lady's Reviews
Number | Author | Published | Recommended |
112311 | Dr Steve | 29 Jan 2013 | YES |
110237 | Charliebear | 11 Aug 2012 | YES |
109955 | lj7770 | 19 Jul 2012 | NO |
109416 | Alan256 | 10 Jun 2012 | YES |
109010 | u_go_girl | 14 May 2012 | YES |
107912 | ReturningPunter | 22 Feb 2012 | YES |
107909 | Rustyballs | 22 Feb 2012 | YES |
107043 | rchab | 26 Dec 2011 | YES |
106646 | Amit5051 | 24 Nov 2011 | YES |
106473 | TLaw | 8 Nov 2011 | YES |
105363 | SoftLeather | 30 Aug 2011 | YES |
105210 | mysteryman30 | 17 Aug 2011 | YES |
105191 | Hard2Handle | 17 Aug 2011 | YES |
104951 | Aloysius | 30 Jul 2011 | YES |
103713 | PedroT97 | 16 May 2011 | YES |
Total Reviews: 15
Recommended: 14, 93.3%
Not Recommended: 1, 6.7%
Neutral: 0, 0%
NOTE: This list consists only of reviews linked to this profile and where the lady's name matches exactly. Reviews in which her name is spelled differently, or duo reviews with another lady, will not appear in this list. If two different ladies have worked under the same name at different times the results will still show all reviews where the name matches.
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