Have you been offered an underage girl, or do you suspect that a girl you have seen is being forced to work against her will?
Report child prostitution and sex slavery - ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
Support And Advice For Escorts - A resource for new escorts and ladies who are thinking about trying this line of work
Women's Aid offers a place of safety to victims of domestic violence
Escort Watch Ireland - A must-read for anyone who works or tours in Ireland. Good info for the punters too.
POW Nottingham - A charity supporting sex workers
Please pass this information along to women you encounter who seem like they might benefit from it
Link exchanges are available to industry-related sites other than service providers. To request a link exchange, please send a message via the contact form and include full details of your site as well as your link code. Service providers, please create a profile in the Service Provider Directory instead.
The Banner:

The Link Code:
<!-- Begin PunterNet Banner - please do not change any code in this block! -->
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="PunterNet - the UK's oldest escort directory and review site" /></a>
<!-- End PunterNet Banner -->