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No. 89968 - Published 22 Apr 2009

Review of Pams Parties of London

Details of Visit
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:Tue 21 Apr 2009 1pm
Duration of Visit:3 hours
Amount Paid:60

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Details of Service Provider
Company:Pam's Parties

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The Premises
A very nice, clean 3 story house in a very nice area
The Lady
There were 3 girls working. Pam who was also hosting is well known from the limelight parties, a nice lady but very thin in her 40's, Lyn also in her 40's another nice woman but quite plain, Emma louise who looked nothing like her picture, infact her teeth were a real shock as they were rotten and her complection was really quite shocking.
The Story
I arrived at this party surprised how cheap it was compared to others but I should have realised you only get what you pay for. Also the fact that Emma Louise was offering anal also appealed.

There were the 3 ladies working plus a swinging couple who were very pleasant. However all in all this was a very poor party, There were at least 15 guys there so the ratio was very high and I was still in shock from seeing Emma Louises appaearance which really took me aback, if i had had a chance to take stock before handing my money over I would have left despite my journey down and wasted time but decided to try and make the best of it.

We were promised that due to the large numbers of guys another lady would be on her way within 20 minutes, some 2 and a half hours later she turned up but by then I had had enough. It really is the 1st party I've been to that has bored me to tears and I will not be going back.
The moral of the story is go to a party which might cost a bit more and be for a shorter time but be guaranteed that most if not all the girls will be the type who you'd turn round in the street to look at instead of women that in the real world you would never be interested in.
From talking to some of the other guys I know I was not the only one to feel this way.
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