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No. 13442 - Published 22 Nov 2001

Review of Nina of London

Details of Visit
Location 2:Pimlico
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:13/11/01 8pm
Duration of Visit:45 mins
Amount Paid:200

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Details of Service Provider
Company:Perfect Petals

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The Premises
Nice clean tidy apartment, no idea about parking came by Taxi.
The Lady
Nina is NOT the girl in the photo from the web site, the Nina I saw is very very skinny, about 5ft9' with blondish hair.
The Story
Nina (or whoever she is) made me feel at home, offered drinks and shower.

Taken to bedroom and undressed, no get and go in her at all. Just kept running her fingers around my chest. I (tried) to go down on her, yet she moved her legs to a position which wouldn't allow this.

I did get her near my cock, when she placed some security on it before a sub standard blow job.

After taht it was back to running her fingers around my chest, she didn't show any interest at all and still eased off my advances.

If you have money to blow I suggest you let it loose in the wind, you will have more fun with it.
Great Ass with Panties Pulled Down
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