No. 129617 - Published 31 Jul 2020
Review of Tina of London
Details of Visit
Author: | egg |
Type of Visit: | Incall |
Duration of Visit: | 30 Minutes |
Amount Paid: | 90 |
Recommended: | No |
Details of Service Provider
Phone: | 07517811097 |
AW Profile ID: | 4562606 WARNING - The "adultwork" site has a long history of dishonest practices including fake reviews and putting users' privacy at risk. Please encourage genuine ladies to sign up for a profile on PunterNet. |
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The Premises
One of the lower rent flats 10minutes walk from Brixton tube station. Run-down feel about the street but safe, inside is ok and I had no problem with this.
The Lady
my heart sank to the floor when i saw her. A young gazelle in the photos tuned out to be a sperm whale.
The Story
This is the end of the road as far as my E.E.punt off AW is concerned. Caution from Punternet is true;;; Adult Work lies.
Cut to the chase, i paid 90 quid and all I got was a shower and fat naked woman sitting next to me
and touched my chest and penis occasionally which lasted less than 10 minutes. How could this happen?
This woman travels across UK, raking in in all the major cities, has an attractive photos and 15 feedback on AW and one very well written Field Report which I suspect in hindsight is fake. Apart from 'Attractive' 'stunning' they often say 'friendly', which was important to me, so i thought she should be ok if half of what they say is true.
Comm was fairly good. She does respond to enquirers and I had a good impression. When I got near the post code area
she gave me, which was a row of rather shabby looking student flats, I had this bad foreboding. Not that I worried about the street or
the building. Difficult to explain but I did get this feeling which I ignored; that this is not going to be a good one.
To this shabby old building, she buzzed me in. the usual hiding behind the door and i saw her and my heat sank
like a lead balloon. A young gazelle in the photos tuned out to be a sperm whale. What PhotoShop genius helped you? I scremed in mind.
But I stayed. To me, personality and effort matter. She might be nice still... well, she looked grumpy.
after my shower, I was greeted by this angry monster of a whale. Furious that I took my time than she preferred.
Actually she had banged the bath room door like a debt collector at dawn. Not like, hey, hurry up,
It was banging in the way of saying 'Fuck you, out, now'
then I saw her properly now. She has fat bulging beer belly, with DIY vulgar dyed blond hair slicked back. Bloated, angry face. East Europe was staring at me.
Do you remember former Russian president Boris Yeltin? She looks like him except thaat she has deep set eyes. she is about
30, not 25. Of course I don't mind a WG lying a few years and 30 is not old. But her extra larded flabby body is so matron like.
she is the type of woman who ages early and she has, spectacularly. That was a typical EE woman's Lard filled bulging body.
Was 'the Michlin tyre man' modeled on her? Magic of Photoshop wreaking havoc for punters.
So 'attractive', ]pretty' and so on is a matter of interpretation, I admit that. But her photos included a woman of skinny legs and apparently tall. the said Field Report says she is tall and nealy 6 foot. This is factually untrue. She is about 5'4 or 5. This is not a matter of one;s taste or interpretation. The photos of a tall woman in the gallery is not her. A lie.
All this I would have forgiven if only she was nice but she was nothing of the kind. She shouted and ordered me to hop on the bed as she says we had only 10m let of 30 mim appointment. which was not true. And what did she do for me? She just sat on the edge of the
bed and with one hand, never used both hands, stroke my chest and occasionally my cock. actually it was not even her hand,
but her fingers that touched me. Her lard-body-language said she didn't want to be here. No conversation whatsoever.
I looked at her body more closely. As well as her beer belly and thunder thighs,
she has a pair of large baps, they are curiously round shaped, literally like baps/rolls; Look at her main profile photo and the boob showing there, what u think? I think they are fake. Whats intriguing was not only the shape but the fact the nipples are, if they are eyes, looking towards each other. They are cross eyed, cock eyed.
They are fake. When a woman has large heavy breasts, they spread outwards, sideways. Only a botched op would leave nipples looking at each other. Then I remembered a TV docu, channel 5. what else, in which they filmed the real breast enlargement operation which was vomit enduing. The surgeon cut and sliced off the nipples and pasted them back on, like round rubber patches on a punctured bike tube. Sorry if you are eating.
That was a pair of weird and ugly boob I was watching. I was disgusted. Check her photos again, there are a few photos of her tits,
no, of a tit, meaning always showing one at a time. there is no photo of the pair in one frame. Makes sense, huh? And I was paying for this.
Only a Neanderthal would get erection out of this. She sat there doing nothing but her hand, or fingers, up and down my upper body
I suggested she giving me a body to body massage. 'I don't do it for 30munutes appointment' was the answer. What about oral?
she had to put on a condom before that but my cock was still soft so she wouldn't do that either.
I got myself dressed and got ready to leave. I heard her speak to a man in another room. Her Sergei pimp. I checked I got my wallet and car key. Only thing she said was telling me not to put my keys on her bed which was not her 'job bed' Don't even put a key on MY bed .. this meanness.
No 'thanks' not even 'bye'. Only her resentment was in the air: a fury of a woman, her gran, who is queuing for hours for a loaf of bread in a freezing December afternoon in a Belarus town c.1979; that was when your and my mums and dads were queing for the ticket for, I donn;t know, ABBA or the Clash, Queen concert. Former Communist countries, they had, and still have, a different culture. They didn't grow up in society where being nice and polite or being fair, polite or paying respect matter. That sort of things come only after when your stomach is full and East Europeans got there only recently.
she is an awful and ugly piece of work both appearance and character wise. Her game is to grabs as much as she
can and give as little as she has to. and there is something cultural behind this. be cautious with people from
beyond the Iron Curtain, from former communist countries. They cheat and lie.
Oh and soon after I left her My phone started to receive weird texts urging me to visit this site and that site. Wording
of the English suggest those are translation from a foreign language. I don;t mind my 25 years old Nokia punt phone fucked up with virus. But stay away from this woman. Speaking of virus, her Sergei was having bad dry coughs
Cut to the chase, i paid 90 quid and all I got was a shower and fat naked woman sitting next to me
and touched my chest and penis occasionally which lasted less than 10 minutes. How could this happen?
This woman travels across UK, raking in in all the major cities, has an attractive photos and 15 feedback on AW and one very well written Field Report which I suspect in hindsight is fake. Apart from 'Attractive' 'stunning' they often say 'friendly', which was important to me, so i thought she should be ok if half of what they say is true.
Comm was fairly good. She does respond to enquirers and I had a good impression. When I got near the post code area
she gave me, which was a row of rather shabby looking student flats, I had this bad foreboding. Not that I worried about the street or
the building. Difficult to explain but I did get this feeling which I ignored; that this is not going to be a good one.
To this shabby old building, she buzzed me in. the usual hiding behind the door and i saw her and my heat sank
like a lead balloon. A young gazelle in the photos tuned out to be a sperm whale. What PhotoShop genius helped you? I scremed in mind.
But I stayed. To me, personality and effort matter. She might be nice still... well, she looked grumpy.
after my shower, I was greeted by this angry monster of a whale. Furious that I took my time than she preferred.
Actually she had banged the bath room door like a debt collector at dawn. Not like, hey, hurry up,
It was banging in the way of saying 'Fuck you, out, now'
then I saw her properly now. She has fat bulging beer belly, with DIY vulgar dyed blond hair slicked back. Bloated, angry face. East Europe was staring at me.
Do you remember former Russian president Boris Yeltin? She looks like him except thaat she has deep set eyes. she is about
30, not 25. Of course I don't mind a WG lying a few years and 30 is not old. But her extra larded flabby body is so matron like.
she is the type of woman who ages early and she has, spectacularly. That was a typical EE woman's Lard filled bulging body.
Was 'the Michlin tyre man' modeled on her? Magic of Photoshop wreaking havoc for punters.
So 'attractive', ]pretty' and so on is a matter of interpretation, I admit that. But her photos included a woman of skinny legs and apparently tall. the said Field Report says she is tall and nealy 6 foot. This is factually untrue. She is about 5'4 or 5. This is not a matter of one;s taste or interpretation. The photos of a tall woman in the gallery is not her. A lie.
All this I would have forgiven if only she was nice but she was nothing of the kind. She shouted and ordered me to hop on the bed as she says we had only 10m let of 30 mim appointment. which was not true. And what did she do for me? She just sat on the edge of the
bed and with one hand, never used both hands, stroke my chest and occasionally my cock. actually it was not even her hand,
but her fingers that touched me. Her lard-body-language said she didn't want to be here. No conversation whatsoever.
I looked at her body more closely. As well as her beer belly and thunder thighs,
she has a pair of large baps, they are curiously round shaped, literally like baps/rolls; Look at her main profile photo and the boob showing there, what u think? I think they are fake. Whats intriguing was not only the shape but the fact the nipples are, if they are eyes, looking towards each other. They are cross eyed, cock eyed.
They are fake. When a woman has large heavy breasts, they spread outwards, sideways. Only a botched op would leave nipples looking at each other. Then I remembered a TV docu, channel 5. what else, in which they filmed the real breast enlargement operation which was vomit enduing. The surgeon cut and sliced off the nipples and pasted them back on, like round rubber patches on a punctured bike tube. Sorry if you are eating.
That was a pair of weird and ugly boob I was watching. I was disgusted. Check her photos again, there are a few photos of her tits,
no, of a tit, meaning always showing one at a time. there is no photo of the pair in one frame. Makes sense, huh? And I was paying for this.
Only a Neanderthal would get erection out of this. She sat there doing nothing but her hand, or fingers, up and down my upper body
I suggested she giving me a body to body massage. 'I don't do it for 30munutes appointment' was the answer. What about oral?
she had to put on a condom before that but my cock was still soft so she wouldn't do that either.
I got myself dressed and got ready to leave. I heard her speak to a man in another room. Her Sergei pimp. I checked I got my wallet and car key. Only thing she said was telling me not to put my keys on her bed which was not her 'job bed' Don't even put a key on MY bed .. this meanness.
No 'thanks' not even 'bye'. Only her resentment was in the air: a fury of a woman, her gran, who is queuing for hours for a loaf of bread in a freezing December afternoon in a Belarus town c.1979; that was when your and my mums and dads were queing for the ticket for, I donn;t know, ABBA or the Clash, Queen concert. Former Communist countries, they had, and still have, a different culture. They didn't grow up in society where being nice and polite or being fair, polite or paying respect matter. That sort of things come only after when your stomach is full and East Europeans got there only recently.
she is an awful and ugly piece of work both appearance and character wise. Her game is to grabs as much as she
can and give as little as she has to. and there is something cultural behind this. be cautious with people from
beyond the Iron Curtain, from former communist countries. They cheat and lie.
Oh and soon after I left her My phone started to receive weird texts urging me to visit this site and that site. Wording
of the English suggest those are translation from a foreign language. I don;t mind my 25 years old Nokia punt phone fucked up with virus. But stay away from this woman. Speaking of virus, her Sergei was having bad dry coughs

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