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No. 126735 - Published 13 Jul 2018

Review of Carla of Manchester

Details of Visit
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:Wed 11 Jul 2018 15:30
Duration of Visit:30 Minutes
Amount Paid:40

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The Premises
Old place off the A627M been there for years all in black outside and no sineage to indicate it is a parlour. I had phoned befoerhand to make sure they did extras
The Lady
Carla come in and I guess over 30 long below shoulder length hair and clearly English wasn't her first language.

Perhaps in hindsight I ought to have left then but as I was alone and needed some TLC and didn't know of anywhere else on my route I decided to stay
The Story
Havent been to silks for almost 20 years now as don't often get over Manchester way alone. However Wednesday was my day to drive to Altrincham and so I decided to give silks a visit.

No signage above the door which I suppose keeps it discrete

Walked in through the unlocked door and then through the next one and up the stais

Was greeted by a rather large lady and offered a drink

She said Carla was on today and if I wanted to take a seat Carla would come through

. Handed the £40 to the maid and went into the room and stripped off. Carla told me where to put my clothes and she slipped her knickers off and rolled her top down to reveal her tits. Not the biggest of tits but Ok for a girl her size.

I laid on the bed face down and asked for her knickers to sample her aroma which there wasn't much of and she started a massage with her bare dry hands. I asked her to use a bit of oil and she poured some oil on my back and continued the rather weak massage.

She asked if I wanted some more and I said do my legs and she oiled my legs up and started to massage then quite firmly, There was no reaching for the crack in my bum and I spread my legs as much as I could as she was at one side of me and there was something on the chair at the bottom of the bed stopping me getting any wider. Eventually I lifted my arse and she reached under and started stroking my balls

I said it was nice and lifted my arse a bit more and she grabbed my cock and started to wank it. I continued to tell her it was nice and that i loved a lady playing with my tackle.

After a few minutes she asked me to turn over. I lay on my back and asked her for a cuddle which she sort of laid on my and I Put my arms round her and tried to kiss her but kissing was out of bounds.

I asked he if I could feel her pussy and she said yes but no fingers inside.
She was bristly and after about 3 strokes of the clit she moved my hand away saying No no

She got me some oil but everytime I trued to increase the speed she stopped me.

I said I wanted to fuck her and she looked at me like I had said I wanted to kill her

All the time she was wanking my cock and I told her to stop and put her arm round me and tried to kiss her again but this time no chance

I continued to reach for her clit and started to suck the tit that was near me but she started giggling and stopped me

I asked her to suck me as I didn't think I would be hard enough to get inside her

She got up got a condom and sucked it onto my cock
I asked her to go 69 and she agreed but no kissing of pussy

She mounted me 68 and yes the pussy was nice and her arsehole looked good and I lifted my head to kiss her but then I shot my load
To her credit she continued sucking after I had shot my load so that was nice and when I could stand it no more she got off and got some wipes and took the condom off and wiped me. She offered me a towel and I asked her to wipe the oil off my back. There was a shower in the room but I didn't take advantage of it and dressed and left.

Guess I had paid for half an hour and been there no more that 15 mins.

On my way to Altrincham I passed a Thai massage parlour and wished I had gone there.

In summary - nice girl but maybe not suited to the job of totally pleasuring punters, No kissing, no OWO, no fingers in pussy, no kissing, no reverse oral, no tit kissing

Maybe will try the Thai place if I am that way again
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