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No. 126500 - Published 6 Jun 2018

Review of Suri of London

Details of Visit
Author:Tighthead prop
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:Tue 5 Jun 2018 16:30
Duration of Visit:1 Hours
Amount Paid:200

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The Premises
A very pleasant flat a wee way south of Oxford Street. Easy to find. The candlelit bathroom was very clean and everything worked.
The Lady
Exactly as photos, save for some unobjectionable body art. Suri is a Brazilian / Japanese mix. You can tell quite easily which bits are Brazilian.
The Story
Welcomed with a very polite peck on the cheeks, offer of refreshment and shower. All very innocent and charming (that’s the Japanese part). Returned from the shower and lay face down on the bed. Suri stripped for action. i couldnt see much, being face down, but what I could see was warming me up nicely. Her hair flowed over me, followed by other bits. Heavy breathing in my ear. Fingers lightly caressing. Tingles all over, particularly between my upper legs.

The legs had a good oiled massage before eventually i was invited to turn over. Stunning. I cant remember much of the next stage. My hands were wandering all over her fabulous body as the pressure rose. Her attention gradually focussed more and more on the critical area until the inevitable explosion.

Another shower and a brief chat. My Portuguese is not great. Her English is much better, but conversation was a little stilted. With a final “obrigado” and another, slightly more sexy, peck on the cheeks, I was on my way.

I have been punting conventinally for several years, but am increasingly drawn to the “tantric” experience. The prolonged build up leads to an outcome that I find is often more intensely satisfying. And there is no risk of catching something very nasty, which happened to me a few years ago after a session arranged through one of the well known London agencies.
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