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No. 124540 - Published 11 May 2017

Review of Vivica Aston of Birmingham

Details of Visit
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:Wed 10 May 2017 14:00
Duration of Visit:30 Minutes
Amount Paid:70

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AW Profile ID:2611986
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The Premises
Clean flat in apartment block in central Birmingham
The Lady
Vivacious blonde lady who says she is 48 but if you didn't know you would think she was much younger - attractive, great figure, ready smile and her conversation is sparkling and full of naughtiness. I am very attracted to young ladies with taut bodies and Vivica was a wonderful partner who made me simply want to meet her again and again.
The Story
Comms were encouragingly quick and clear and first eye contact reassured me I had stepped out of my usual comfort zone of young escorts into something that was going to be so enjoyable.

After my shower, I joined Vivica in the bedroom for an extended cuddle, kiss and grope. Good start.

On the bed we were all over each other and when Vivica took me in her mouth, it was different class and I could have lain there for hours.

Vivica happily made different parts of her body available to me including full breasts that defy her age and she is also very attractive 'down there' too.

There didn't seem any taboos as we enjoyed each other's bodies and then the sex was intense, extended in duration and mutually very satisfying.

Vivica is a wonderful discovery and I shall be back as soon as I can.
Great Ass with Panties Pulled Down
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