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No. 114294 - Published 8 Aug 2013

Review of Sophia of London

Details of Visit
Location 2:Beckenham
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:Wed 8 May 2013 4.00pm
Duration of Visit:1hr
Amount Paid:130

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The Premises
Flat in a small block about 10-15mins walk from Beckenham Junction station. Parking would have been ok but I chose to sit on the train.
The Lady
Tall curvy English blonde wearing a shortish black / dark blue dress; not as shown in her pic on A/W; more below. Age probably late 20s, maybe 30.
The Story
Sophia had earlier given me the post-code and I was to ring her for the flat number when nearby. As it was a fine day and I’d allowed enough time, I had a casual stroll from the station. I rang her as I approached and she gave me the flat number and let me past the main door when I pressed the bell.

I’ve thought for some time about this FR. There was one here which said that the web pics were not her. I wrote to G to ask if she was on the no-reports list but, apparently, there was some doubt thrown on the phone number shown in that FR. I’ve double-checked my notes and the number above is definitely the one I used and is the one shown on her profile as I type. In case it might be challenged, I’ve also double-checked that the date and time are correct.

Being a bright sunny day the hallway looked dark in comparison when the door opened. However, my initial reaction was that she looked bigger than I expected from the one pic she has at present and from the description on A/W, which states she’s size 12. The hair was shorter and was wavy or curly rather than straight. That didn’t throw me unduly as women change their hairstyle quite readily. We went to the bedroom which looked unkempt. Despite the bedside lamp it was fairly dark as the heavy curtains were closed. I handed over the money which she put away. We lay on the bed chatting for a while. It was when she removed her dress that I realized just how big she was; she must be at least size 16, maybe bigger, definitely not the slender size shown in her pic, with big thighs, big bum and a large bulging belly. I’d parted with the money, so I thought I’d make the best of it. Sophia has an attractive face but I wasn’t expecting someone anywhere as big as that.

I know that punter and escort don't always click but I was left with the sense that she didn't really bother trying to make enough effort to give value for money. In trying to get turned on, at one point I went to kiss her but her lips remained closed and impassive. There’s a big age-gap but I’d mentioned that on the phone and she’d said it didn’t matter. I’d showered just before leaving home about an hour earlier and had strolled casually from the station, so I definitely wasn’t sticky and sweaty. Also, my mouth was minty-fresh.

She sucked the little fella for a while, stroked here and there but I had the impression her heart wasn’t in it. We chatted for some time and I’d hoped that some rapport might be established which might give rise to some sensual feelings on my part and give me a hard-on. However, she didn’t seem to bother trying enough. Eventually I managed to jerk myself off but it all seemed like wasted effort, just an expensive wank. I don’t like damaging someone’s income prospects but, if she’d made a decent effort to compensate for the gross deceit in her description and profile picture, I might not have felt so disappointed, so conned. As appears common with that site, there seem to be too many blokes who are afraid to give honest feedback in case they receive an adverse comment themselves. She didn’t put on all that extra weight in one week’s over-indulgence. So, I wouldn’t recommend her.
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