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No. 104545 - Published 3 Jul 2011

Review of Michelle Gold of Gatwick

Details of Visit
Location 2:Central London
Type of Visit:Outcall
Date and Time of Visit:Tue 28 Jun 2011 7pm
Duration of Visit:12 hours
Amount Paid:780

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The Lady
Michelle Gold is a lissome lady in her forties, with small boobs, great legs, a pert rear and a winning smile. She just exudes sexuality.
The Story
My previous experience of overnighters had not been that great, but when I realised that I had the chance of a night away in London I didn't hesitate to contact Michelle Gold, whom I knew wouldn't let me down. The meeting was easily arranged by phone and e-mail.

On the day we converged on Waterloo by train from different directions. Michelle had some problems with her train, but of course kept me fully-informed by text, and we met more or less on time on the station concourse.

It was just a short walk to the hotel, up in the lift and into each other's arms in the room for a massive snog - M really does french kiss beautifully. We freshened up in the shower, then tumbled on to the bed naked for our first hot session. M certainly knows how to turn me on, then with the usual chemical assistance and durex applied I entered her tight little pussy. God, does the lady know how to fuck?! Her on top, me on top, then her down on my cock again, then me sucking her clit deep into my mouth - M is just the perfect sexpot. On and on we went, M cuming again and again and urging me on with some choice phrases, until we finally decided to have a break for a photo session. M had brought her camera, so she adjourned to the bathroom, donned some highly provocative black lingerie, and I started clicking away. The results were good, including some with M wearing my panama hat - maybe they'll be up on her site soon?

After that we adjourned for a drink at a local hostelry, then a surprisingly good meal at a nearby restaurant, before a quick snog in the alley next to the hotel - well, it was a hot night! Back up to the room for another prolonged session into the night, including anal this time, before we eventually drifted off for a few hours' sleep. We woke again around 6.30 am for a final bit of fun before going our separate ways - me to my meeting and M back to her lovely little flat near Gatwick.

A wonderful night, the memory of which will last with me for a long time. Thank you so much, gorgeous Michelle, and I hope to see you again very soon.

BTW chaps, now that Michelle knows her way around the Waterloo area, why don't you try to entice her up there again? You won't be disappointed!
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