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Review Search Results -> Review 119880

No. 119880 - Published 4 May 2015

Review of Pixi of XXX @Massagenn1, Northampton

Details of Visit
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:Sat 2 May 2015 12:00
Duration of Visit:30 Minutes
Amount Paid:60

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Details of Service Provider
Profile Name:XXX @Massagenn1 - click to view profile in a new window
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The Premises
Well known. Was evidently very busy but the receptionist organised everything so well - and explained what she was doing - so it was no issue at all.

I love the look of the upstairs showers and this time I cracked the code to make it behave.
The Lady
Early 30s she told me but could pass for considerably younger and in any case the manner counts more than the age.
Slim, considerably slimmer than her pics and slicked back blonde hair. Lovely clear eyes that look at you in disarming fashion. I was drying off when she walked in but she refused to take the money from my jacket when I suggested it to avoid any question of impropriety - can't complain about that attitude.
The Story
It's only now as I write this I realise I never saw Pixi take off the white underwear she came in wearing - such was the immediately relaxed attitude between us.

We lay on the bed, she let her hands wander and after visiting both boobs I tried a kiss and soon met a tongue and enthusiasm.

This turned out to be the theme. Pixi acts as if she is there for your pleasure and gets pleasure out of you enjoying yourself. Nothing I did was not encouraged and not enjoyed so that added to the ease of our time together.

So - much kissing with tongues (hers has a stud), owo, reverse o, fingering, anal play both ways,
different positions - all became like a natural sex session with a willing partner and Pixi certainly gave lots of evidence of enjoying and appreciating everything.

And all this with virtually non-stop chat or appreciative comments or noises.

Total, total pleasure and enjoyment. No idea how long we were together but we sure did a lot and several times.

I have found a brilliant lady who will be great to visit again and again.
This Lady's Reviews
131596bonking biker13 Dec 2022YES
129722Footguy9115 Sep 2020YES
129634Hello Mr Punter9 Aug 2020YES
129611Redwinged10226 Jul 2020YES
129563ARM7613 Apr 2020YES
128341seniorpunter28 Jun 2019YES
128271andrewelcock9 Jun 2019YES
128240Hello Mr Punter2 Jun 2019YES
122531seniorpunter18 May 2016YES
122226dodgeyroger25 Mar 2016YES
121730charlieton28 Dec 2015YES
119880charlieton4 May 2015YES
119797Hot Bod21 Apr 2015YES

Total Reviews: 13

Recommended: 13, 100%

Not Recommended: 0, 0%

Neutral: 0, 0%

NOTE: This list consists only of reviews linked to this profile and where the lady's name matches exactly. Reviews in which her name is spelled differently, or duo reviews with another lady, will not appear in this list. If two different ladies have worked under the same name at different times the results will still show all reviews where the name matches.

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Review Search Results -> Review 119880